Industrial Hemp and its uses
Every part of Industrial Hemp can be put into commercial use, roots, stem, fiber, herd, leaves, flowers and seeds. Lets pen down why Hemp is important crop for India, and why it must be grown at a larger scale and why laws must be amended to take advantage of this versatile crop: 1. One acre of hemp produces as much as fiber as 2-3 acres of cotton. 2. Hemp fiber is far more stronger than cotton, softer and its life is almost double then cotton. 3. Cotton needs more fertilizers, more water, and almost grows anywhere unlike cotton and uses negligible pesticides. 4. One acre of Hemp can produce 3 times more paper than tree pulp, almost all types of papers like toilet paper, card boards, its paper can last for many hundreds of years. and it can be recycled more times than tree pulp paper. 5. Hemp can be used to produce fiberboard...