Why is weed illegal?

The one thing that I think we all hate is getting manipulated by our governments via false information, well guess what? our weed is illegal just because of that.
Story of hemp ban was just a simple lie 

Let's take a walk in 19th century America-
Our precious world leader was once afraid of the non-whites(one can argue they still are). Now, who is the nearest non-white to America? Mexicans my friends, and Mexico knew how to party hard.
So, even though at one side America knew the benefits and harmless actions of hemp(since they were using this same hemp in health tinctures and were using it to potentially cure a lot many diseased and it was also proved in 1940s that hemp or weed doesn't cause madness in people), they used it as propaganda to demonize the minor community of Mexicans and Chinese( it was seriously believed that Chinese were going to use hemp drugged female as sex slaves).

Richard Nixon,37th president of America then used the weed and heroin as a way to suppress the minor community of blacks and hippies, disrupt their actions and illegal-ly arrest them to disrupt their communities. 

Developing nations who had no idea what to do with their laws then followed along in the paths of America while writing their own constitutions and blindly accepted that weed is a drug that causes violence and madness inside the one consuming it.

Now we know how much the minorities suffered and are still suffering, and we know that a single plant is used for that let's bring it forth in front of the people so that the laws and mandatory minimums are lifted because even though black and white people smoke the same amount of marijuana the blacks are 4 times more likely to get arrested.

Now, a potential and potent medicine is kept withdrawn from us because no one wants to accept their own mistakes.
How do I know it is a potent medicine? Indian Ayurveda, ancient Greece, ancient Arabs all used it both recreationally and medicinally
By- Vinayak

sources- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJlqsdezhhk
            - cannabis: a history by martin booth
            - national commission on marihuana and drug abuse, 1973
            - https://edition.cnn.com/2016/03/23/politics/john-ehrlichman-richard-nixon-drug-war-blacks-hippie/index.html

Heavily inspired by Adam ruins everything 

